A Letter from Zak - Ahom World

Hello Everyone,

Before I dive into our new project with Ahom World, I thought it would be good to talk about why we're doing it. We started this development because we saw a meaningful opportunity that we wanted to explore. We believe in our potential to make a positive impact in this new space, and that's why we chose to take this step.

My present work and my future goals go hand-in-hand. I see my path forward as a continuous growth journey where I keep learning, innovating, and focusing on achieving good outcomes. Though life has a tendency to bring unexpected shifts. For me, Zak, this change began with a move to Dubai, triggering a deep fascination for exploring, acquiring, and preserving rare and vintage scents under Ahom World. Our pivot towards this endeavor did raise sustainability issues, posing a significant challenge.

Since 2018, as co-founder of 'Dixit & Zak', I've worked to create and distribute modern perfumes. Now keen to use rare vintage materials from Ahom World in modern perfumery, I began to pursue a collaborative approach under 'Dixit & Zak', intending to showcase my personal interests. Besides offering a unique fusion, I hoped it would solidify financial investments. However, after extensive consultations with our Dixit & Zak financial advisors and auditors, we were advised to treat carefully. Large investments in costly materials could potentially impact our return on investment and profitability, destabilizing 'Dixit & Zak'.

Moreover, it would complicate the mutual & creative alliances between Ahom, Dixit, and Zak. With no viable alternatives, the focus returned to Ahom World. We found ourselves exploring potential opportunities in online and offline markets independently.

As co-founder of Ahom World, I express heartfelt gratitude to our supportive followers. We promise to deliver exceptional, authentic, and imaginative products, beginning with our new modern perfumery line. We're eager to share our rich heritage and superior composition through our unique fragrances. Please continue to engage with Ahom World. We look forward to share our story and passion for modern perfumery with you.

Ahom World

1 comment

  • Fernando

    Dear highly respected Mr. Zak,

    Thank you for your letter and inclusion of thoughts.
    You have been part of my olfactory journey since I started to explore attars and ouds.
    I am eager to learning and exploring. Wishing you all the very best and hope to meet you in Dubai God Willing.

    Many Greetings and Blessings,
    PS: End of this month I meet again with Hatem and we do a solely Agar wood session to dive deep into the understanding of different woods from different parts of the World. DV

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